KING OF NY : Casper Holstein
New Yorkers have been claiming to be King of New York from all types of backgrounds in my lifetime. I have heard rappers, drug dealers and even everyday residents say they are the "King of New York". One thing that is certain, true kings never have to announce their presence.
“Harlem’s favorite hero, because of his wealth, his sporting proclivities and his philanthropies among the people of his race.”
Enter Casper Holstein , a philanthropist, humanitarian, entrepreneur and alleged mobster. A man who took advantage of his opportunities and utilized a messenger role on Wall Street to create a multi-million dollar trusted New York lottery. While on Wall Street Holstein became intrigued by the stock market. Combining his self knowledge of the stock exchange and the numbers system Holstein created his own lottery coined "Bolito" which was a hit.
During the mid-1920s Holstein's earnings ballooned to $2 million from his lotteries. His wealth afforded him a lavish lifestyle which included various homes and a fleet of expensive cars.
Actor Jeffrey Wright plays Harlemite Valentin Narcisse in HBO's hit series Boardwalk Empire. Narcisse's character is loosely based upon the life and placement of Casper Holstein in 1920's Harlem culture.
1. Casper Holstein was born on December 7, 1876, in St. Croix, Danish West Indies. His parents were of mixed African and Danish descent, and his father's father was a Danish officer in the Danish West Indies Colonial militia.
2. Holstein financed dormitories at Southern black colleges and supplemented the income of a number of Harlem Renaissance artists, writes and musicians.
3. Holstein's lottery profits also helped establish a Baptist school in Liberia and fund Marcus Garvey's nationalist movement.
4. In 1928, Holstein was taken hostage on a ransom of $50,000. Three days later he was released. No one was arrested and the incident was never solved. This action initiated the decline of Holstein's involvement in the Harlem numbers and the rise of New York mobster Dutch Schultz who eventually took control of Harlem gambling scene.
5. Actor Jeffrey Wright plays Harlemite Valentin Narcisse in HBO's hit series Boardwalk Empire. Narcisse's character is loosely based upon the life of Casper Holstein
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